

Whether you have run your school for years or you intend starting a new school, the school’s success at any point in time depends on you, your parents (who enrol the children), your teachers and your support staff. These are the 4 active stakeholders in the running of any school business and that explains the 4-legged school growth strategy. In this book, David makes a clear distinction between running a school and running a school business.  Every business that wants to thrive must obey basic business principles and the fact that you’re running a school does not exempt you from this law. This book is a product of 12 years of active participatory research into an industry that is probably the largest employer of Labour in the nation – Education. The book discusses hundreds of hot topics:

No of Pages: 350 Pages


✋6 Month Population and Income Growth Strategy
✋How To Run A School Free Of Debtors
✋How To Convert Your Parents Into Raving Fans
✋How To Increase School Fees Considerably Without Losing Students
✋School Marketing With Quick Results
✋Why Parents Change Their Children’s Schools And What To Do To Avoid Population Decrease
✋How To Handle Competition Favourably in your Environment And Get bigger
✋15 Things You Must Stop doing beginning From Next Term
✋How To Get The Best From Parents
✋How To Recruit Smart Teachers
✋OVER 100 MORE HOT TOPICS THAT COSTS so much money when you attend trainings.

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