

Only an all inclusive school growth strategy will deliver results as expected. The reason we don’t get results from our marketing and school growth strides is because it’s either 3-legged, 2-leged or 1-legged, failing to engage all 4 stakeholders in the school. There are 4 major stakeholders in the running of any school:

  1. The students – who are the products
  2. The staff – who are the the executioners
  3. The Parents – who are the customers and
  4. The Management – who are the visioners

In other businesses, the most important stakeholders are the employees. Not so here, for school, the children are the most important stakeholders. Then followed by the staff and then followed by the parents. However, the parents determine whether or not the school will continue to be in business. So why train everyone and not care to train the parents?. Contrary to popular opinion, parents are the most interesting of these stakeholder because they are not just the financiers, through them, we grow our own network and by relationship, they become an integral part of our own personal lives. And remember your net worth is your network.

If you care to train your parents – who by the way are of diverse ideologies, and disciplines sharply different from our – they become your raving fans and appreciate your input to their lives. You automatically align them to fit better and faster to your vision. It becomes easier to train their children and you boost your chances of growth. Because the best way to grow a school is to convert your parents to become purposeful at marketing your school. PASE is a full day’s workshop. It includes the following

1. Facilitating school/parent bonding

2. How to be in synch with the school’s methods

3. Ethical interaction with teachers and caregivers

4. Benefits of prospecting and referring customers

5. Parent-to-parent interaction

6. How to leverage on the school’s network to grow your business

7. Use the rod Vs Spare the Rod

8. Learning to cooperate with the school

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