

Too often, as school owners, we focus staff developmental programmes on teachers and academic staff generally. Hardly will you hear a school send its non academic staff for trainings. The reason is simple. We think they don’t really need it, afterall , the majority of them simply obey instructions and ate not ad educated. But we get it all wrong. Drivers, cleaners, security, helps, office assistants, gardeners etc, interface even more with both our existing parents and prospective customers than teachers.

NASE will not teach them how to do their jobs or impact on them the skills needed, NASE will more importantly sharpen their minds on the right attitudes at interfacing with both teachers, students and teachers. Your school drivers (and bus assistants) attitudes can sharply impact your school’s population in a very short period of time.

NASE will be administered in the language they understand as some of them don’t flow well with your queen’s English and Vocabulary. At the end of the training, each of them will be given a character test unknown to them. The outcomes of these tests helps to identify their weaknesses, strength, willingness to adapt and attitudinal fitness.

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